Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home on the Range

I am not sure if it is just me. My house. My place of employment. My town. Whatever the answer may be, crickets are taking over my life! Should this be something I consider as an omen of good luck for my future? Possibly, but it isn't something I am going to bank on. Let's get to the point of my entry today. We (I) have made the recent decision to start following through on things we believe in. To start making time for our interests and hobbies. To start taking the wheel in our own lives. Where do we start? With chickens. That's right. I am going to be THAT neighbor. My friends Cassie, Paul, and David have really inspired me to try my hand at homesteading. While I don't expect to become entirely self-sufficient in this process anytime soon, I know that I love the feeling of accomplishment that I get from creating things, so this seems to make sense for me.

Step 1: Till my backyard. Over the last year or two, the Burton family backyard has morphed into no man's land. Brush, weeds, trash, forgotten toys... you name it and it's back there lost in the jungle of No Care. My mission for this week? Get back there, pick up any junk that may be back there, and mow. That may seem like small tasks but you really have no idea. Hopefully I will be able to actually start clearing land and tilling over the weekend and the following week. If anyone out there is listening, help is never turned away (hint hint).

The Game Plan: In the grand scheme of things, I want a few fruit trees, a vegetable garden, chickens, and maybe just maybe... a patio. Sure it has nothing to do with homesteading, but it sounds so pretty.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Welcome to the Family!!

This seems like a great opportunity to share our wonderful life with those we love the most. I admit, this may just be a great way for me to keep a log of the craziness that is our family. Unorthodox is how we can best describe our lives. Although we live in a traditional one-family household, our extended network of family and friends keeps it interesting. We are a small corner of the blanket, but we are all stitched together. How can I describe our lives for my avid readers? We love. Our family. Our friends. Our jobs. Our independence.

When May rolls around, I will have been out of high school for six years. Looking back, I can remember the plan that I always had. Out of college at 21, meeting Mr. Right and being married at 23, and welcoming my first child at the ripe old age of 25. Well, we all know what they say about plans. As it stands, I am 22 and a mother, wife, and college student. I've never been good at following directions. My family is my life. I've never been able to imagine loving so much. Growing up, I had a completely different idea of what love is based on how my family loved me. I've found it's so much more.

The Husband: Jacob Allen Burton. Such a great name, such a great person. I can honestly say there is probably no one in the world who loves me more than this guy. I guess all those years of bad luck paid off where it counts. My husband has found his passion in life in working with the mentally handicapped and teaching them. It's not a job for everyone and it's truly his life's calling and makes him so incredibly happy. You can't put a price on that.

The First Born: Jacob Allen Garland Burton, Jr. I've obviously never wanted my child to graduate kindergarten. This child is the light of my life, the reason I've made so many much needed personal changes. He's always got a smile, the trouble is that you never know what's behind it. Jacob blessed my life on March 17, 2007 at 3:38 a.m. He obviously had a flare for the dramatics.

I am not sure where this blog will take me or who will read it, but it doesn't matter. If even one person can share in my joys in life, it's totally worth the twenty minutes I've taken to start this.